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Are TMJ and Vertigo Related?

As if the tenderness, popping and clicking of TMJ weren’t enough, TMJ can also cause symptoms related to vertigo. That’s because TMJ affects the joints of the jaw, which are located in front of the ears. The effects of TMJ can spread to the ears, including the sensitive inner ears that control your sense of balance. As a result, you may experience dizziness.

If you frequently experience TMJ and vertigo, book an appointment to see a dentist or a physician.

TMJ and Related Symptoms

TMJ is an abbreviation of the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint where your jaw attaches to your skull. When this area becomes inflamed or misaligned, it causes symptoms like popping noises or locking of the jaw when you open your mouth, tenderness and pain, headaches, neck pain and facial pain.

Occasionally, people with TMJ experience additional symptoms like tinnitus and dizziness, which may point to an inner ear issue.


According to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, an attack of vertigo feels as though you or your surroundings are moving. The sensation feels like “spinning, whirling or moving vertically or horizontally,” and you may also experience involuntary eye movements, nausea, hearing loss and other symptoms.

Vertigo is caused by problems in the inner ear, which is a sensitive part of your ear close to the temporomandibular joint.

TMJ and Vertigo

The TMJ Association explains how TMJ and vertigo are related: The inner ear contains the sensors that tell your brain about your body’s position and movement. When your jaw joint is inflamed, as it is with TMJ, the inflammation can also reach the inner ear. Consequently, the inflammation disrupts the signals to the brain about your body’s position in space, leading to symptoms of vertigo.

Treatments for TMJ and Vertigo

People who often experience vertigo as a result of their TMJ should avoid driving and other activities where dizziness puts themselves or others in danger. See a dentist or a physician for advice on treatments that alleviate the symptoms of TMJ, like dental splints, massage, anti-inflammatory medications and relaxation techniques.

TMJ often resolves by itself without treatment, but your dentist may also help you alleviate the pain and manage the difficulties of the condition.

Vertigo isn’t a common complication, but in some cases, it could be related to your TMJ. Remember to tell your dentist or physician all your symptoms so that they can help find the best solution to your problem.