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How to Find an Emergency Dentist When You Need One

In recent years, more Americans have been visiting hospital emergency departments to receive dental care, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). However, 54.8 per cent of these visits are considered semi-urgent and 23.9 per cent is considered non-urgent, meaning they can be managed in a dental office rather than the emergency department. If you encounter a dental issue and are uncertain about what qualifies as a dental emergency, here’s how to determine what kind of dental care you need and how to locate an emergency dentist if you need one.

Common Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies are dental problems that require immediate treatment from a dentist. The ADA explains that tooth injuries, such as cracking a tooth or having one knocked out, are common dental emergencies.

Tooth abscesses, which are infections that can develop if cavities aren’t treated, are also sometimes considered emergencies, according to the Mayo Clinic. A tooth abscess can cause a severe toothache, facial swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing and even sepsis — all of which require immediate attention.

If you have a soft tissue injury, such as a bitten tongue or lip, this may also qualify as a dental emergency. In these scenarios, the ADA recommends gently cleaning the injured area with water and then applying a cold compress. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, seek treatment right away.

Non-Emergency Dental Problems

Many dental problems aren’t considered emergencies. Cavities are one example of a common non-emergency dental issue. Still, you should seek treatment promptly. If you have a cavity, you may have a toothache, tooth sensitivity or pain when you bite down explains the Mayo Clinic. Untreated cavities can lead to many complications, including tooth abscesses, so it’s important to schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as possible to avoid needing an emergency visit later on.

When faced with a non-emergency dental issue, you should still call your dentist to schedule a visit as soon as possible, though treatment isn’t an immediate necessity.

Finding an Emergency Dentist

If you think you’re experiencing a dental emergency, contact your dentist immediately. Most dentists set aside time in their schedules for emergency patients, so you may be able to see your dentist right away.

If you experience a dental emergency outside of normal business hours — whether it’s overnight, on the weekend or during a holiday — still try calling your dentist. Their voicemail message may offer instructions for emergencies or provide the phone number for a local on-call emergency dentist.

Treatment for Dental Emergencies

Once you’ve found a dentist, they will evaluate the nature of your dental emergency and determine the best treatment option.

If your tooth has been knocked out, the dentist may attempt to put it back in place. This is more likely to be successful if you see your dentist within 30 minutes of the injury, explains the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), though it may still be possible if the tooth has been knocked out for longer.

The AAE notes that restorations, such as fillings or crowns, may be used to repair cracked teeth. However, teeth that are too severely damaged may need to be extracted.

If you experience a tooth abscess, the goal is to get rid of the infection, explains the Mayo Clinic. An emergency dentist may make a small cut in the abscess to drain the pus, and sometimes, a root canal may also be necessary. If the tooth can’t be saved, the dentist will extract it.

A dental emergency can certainly be scary, but rest assured that there are emergency dentists available 24/7 to ensure that you receive the treatment you need, whether they be your regular dentist, an on-call specialist or an emergency medicine provider.