If you suffer from receding gums, your oral health, dental comfort, and the attractiveness of your smile are all at risk. When a receding gum line is left untreated, periodontal disease and bone loss conspire to weaken the foundation of your smile. Also, the exposed tooth roots are very sensitive to hot and cold foods, are prone to developing cavities, and just don’t appear healthy and pleasant.
Gum grafting is designed to restore your gum line by attaching a thin piece of tissue to the area of recession, covering the exposed root, and stabilizing the gum. AlloDerm is a new innovative approach to traditional gum grafting. AlloDerm is a newly-developed material that allows dentists to avoid harvesting tissue from another part of your mouth, such as the palate (or roof of the mouth). As a result, it is able to save you the bleeding and discomfort that comes along with additional surgery at the donor site.
Find out if your smile would benefit from the latest innovations in gum grafting by scheduling an appointment to assess if you are a candidate. We currently refer out for this procedure.