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Why Do I Have Bleeding Gums?

If your gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth you may think this is normal and ignore it, but bleeding gums can be a sign of underlying problems. Bleeding gums is often caused by harmful plaque, and the millions of bacteria in it, found at or around the gum line. Left too long this plaque can lead to gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease.

Besides gingivitis you can also have bleeding gums from:

There are things you can do to help maintain healthy gums and reduce bleeding or the chance of developing gingivitis.

Since bleeding gums are mainly due to inadequate plaque removal, starting an effective oral hygiene regimen is a great way to help prevent bleeding gums. Brushing twice a day in a circular motion along the gum line will help stimulate and strengthen your gum tissue. As well, flossing once a day will help get rid of any plaque or food that is trapped between your teeth and under the gums.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking or vaping, and eating a diet low in sugar and simple carbohydrates will also improve the health of your gums.

If your gums continue to bleed when flossing and brushing, after you’ve tried to improve your oral hygiene, please call Sherwood Dental and let one of our dentists evaluate your flossing technique and whether or not there is a need for gum treatment.

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